

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Positioning for the dynamic Web

What will the coming years hold for my business or organization and how do I position myself for a changing marketplace? 

This is a question business owners ask or should ask themselves. 

Do you realize that currently 40% of our population is 24 years old or younger? 

These people are on the internet or related media 56 hours per week not including texting. This trend is going to only grow. So one answer to the core question is how do I present my business/organization on the internet and how do I keep current with changes in this dynamically exploding environment. Much depends on the type of internet presence that a firm desires.

 The simplest method is a non-interactive WEB page. This design resembles a yellow page ad. It exists to be accessed but provides no information to the business/organization as to who, what, when, or where or a myriad of other information that a more sophisticated WEB site can provide.

 Using more advanced techniques such as data analytics a business can determine end users engagement with their site, such things as: Is a visitor to their site a new or return user, what site led them to the WEB page, what did they access on the site, where do they live and much more. Gathering this information and storing it in a data base allows the business to create custom reports and direct targeted marketing campaigns. This feedback provides information as to the effectiveness of their site and can lead to modifications which lead to furthering the desired results from their site. Linking the site to social media results in an organized, integrated internet campaign and strategy. The problem facing businesses is achieving this level of sophistication and then staying abreast of this dynamic area. 

The answer is to have a staff dedicated to this area or to outsource this vital task to a trusted partner.

Gary Farnam